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Blank Pages

[av_section min_height=’75‘ min_height_px=’500px‘ padding=’default‘ shadow=’no-shadow‘ bottom_border=’no-border-styling‘ bottom_border_diagonal_color=’#333333′ bottom_border_diagonal_direction=“ bottom_border_style=“ id=“ color=’alternate_color‘ custom_bg=“ src=“ attachment=“ attachment_size=“ attach=’scroll‘ position=’top left‘ repeat=’stretch‘ video=“ video_ratio=’16:9′ overlay_opacity=’0.5′ overlay_color=“ overlay_pattern=“ overlay_custom_pattern=“ av_element_hidden_in_editor=’0′]

[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10‘ heading=’Blank Pages‘ color=“ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered‘ custom_font=“ size=’40‘ subheading_active=“ subheading_size=’15‘ custom_class=“ admin_preview_bg=“][/av_heading]

[av_textblock size=“ font_color=“ color=“ admin_preview_bg=“]

With the Blank Page Template you can build interesting out of the box pages like, coming soon or maintenance mode pages.
You can use all the elements and shortcodes of a normal page, the only difference is that neither header nor footer are displayed

[av_hr class=’invisible‘ height=’30‘ shadow=’no-shadow‘ position=’center‘]

[av_button label=’Back to theme demo‘ link=’page,603′ link_target=“ size=’large‘ position=’center‘ icon_select=’yes‘ icon=’10‘ font=’entypo-fontello‘ color=’dark‘ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff‘ admin_preview_bg=“]



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